Animated Video Production

Be great at any scale

We are experts in animated video production, producing content for businesses. We have an experienced in-house team of creatives, motion graphic designers and editors. Based in London we service a range of clients across the UK and abroad. We keep the process simple, clear and transparent.

Our video animation work

super sewer animation

Morgan Sindall


Launching a newsroom















Animation video production that inspires

All businesses should consider animation. It’s affordable and effective..

Animated explainer videos have become a popular go-to style many businesses. They are cheap and simple to produce. The second advantage of animation is that it brings to life many messages about your business that can be difficult to film or beyond your budget.

If you are marketing some IT software with nothing physical to film, animation is a great solution. Perhaps you want to show the workflow, or that you have offices abroad or show a service in action, then animation is a great place to start.

We have developed a simple, easy to understand process to creating an animated video. From scripting, through to storyboarding, the production build and delivery. you will be involved every step of the way.

Our Clients

Clients - BBC
Clients - Casedo
Clients - Hg
morgan sindall group
sky labs

Start a conversation with us

Animated video production that engages

Creating an animation marketing video is a very straight forward business and doesn’t have to be, per minute, any more expensive than a standard corporate video. We will take your brief and find the right people for your brand with bags of experience in your marketplace. Vebu provides a one-stop shop from; working with you to create a brief, initial ideas, storyboard, production and final delivery.

Why use Vebu?

Research market

Research market

It’s important that we understand your product and the target audience. Your animated explainer video needs to reflect your brand.
Create brief

Create brief

We work with you to create a brief with a clear delivery schedule and costs.
Key messages

Key messages

These are the foundations of the script. We will work with you to clarify what messages you are trying to convey. A compelling animated video has to have strong, clear messaging.
Script & storyboard

Script & storyboard

We will write the script but we will work in collaboration with you.The storyboard will ensure we are all talking from the same hymn sheet.
Animation production

Animation production

This is when the magic happens and we bring your animated video to life.
Signoff and delivery

Sign-off & delivery

We are happy to go through a couple of rounds of feedback. We want you to feel very happy with your animated video.

Promoting your animated video

Many clients forget that whilst you’ve spent a considerable amount of time creating your animated video, it doesn’t mean people will automatically find it.

You need to think about how you are going to promote this finely tuned animated video production.

We are experts in promoting content across all the usual channels of social media, whether thats Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram.

Your paid content strategy for your animated video production

We encourage our clients to think about customer journey’s and how your animated content is helping to gently guide your customers through the process. Especially in business services, no-one just watches an ad and buys into that service. These potential clients need to be taken on a journey of discovery, each bite of content tells them more about your business, until they are ready to purchase.

Animated video content customer journey

Research market

the overview video

It’s the first time this customer has seen your content. This animated video needs to have high level messaging. Who are you, what do you do, what problem are you solving? It’s high level, we don’t go down into the weeds just yet.
Create brief

grabbing their attention

The alternative is you grab their attention with a singular, in your face, clever way you deal with a problem. You highlight just one small aspect of your solution in a very clever way. All we are doing here is to grab attention so they watch the Overview Video.
Key messages

the 2nd animated video

We’ve got their attention, let’s tell them a little bit more about your business with a client case study. It shows them the process, how your work, we hear from a happy client. We are adding a human element to re-assure them.
Script & storyboard

3rd video

They know who you are, seen your work, let’s start fleshing out some detail around your workflows and pricing. Let’s hear about the benefits of different pricing options or at least give them some ball-park figures.
Animation production

the closer

Its the call-action-video. It’s the highlights, in a tight edit of everything thats come before. We want your prospective client to take action after watching this animated video production. Get in touch.
Animation production

Welcome Aboard

You’ve got a new customer. Make them feel at home. Fire off some welcoming video content to make them feel part of the clan.

Other Video Services

Video production

Animated Videos

Event Videography

Explainer videos

London Videography

Corporate Videos

Talking head Videos

Product Videos

Training Videos

Social Media Videos

Promotional Videos

Tracking your clients & remarketing

Tracking pixels can be installed on your website to track the movements of your clients. It’s the tech behind creating a remarketing strategy and creating that customer journey. Customers that don’t progress through the stages can be retargeted with different content to give them a chance to get back on board.

The power of using tracking men you can use animated video content to remarket to those customers who are still making.

filming director of company

Looking to commission animated video content?

We’ve been creating video content for over 20 years across the UK and europe.

Whether you need a high end crew or just want to shoot content for social media you’ve come to the right place.

If you have any questions however small, please get in touch.

Start a conversation with us