Social Media Video Production

We are a creative video agency with a strong focus on social media video production. Vebu will generate the ideas, produce the video content and create a content strategy for you to get your product seen by the right people on the right platforms. We base our strategy on thorough research, assured creative and experienced execution.

Some Social Media Video Campaigns

Launching a newsroom

Smart Installers

Product Videographer

Launching a newsroom

The Sebo Range

Product Videographer

Space NK

Dairy Crest launch Jugit

Product Videographer




Launching a newsroom






Our Clients

Clients - BBC
Clients - Casedo
Clients - Hg
morgan sindall group
sky labs

Social Media Videography

82% of global internet traffic came from watching videos in 2022, this will only increase in 2023. Social media video production has never been more important.

Social media video is an incredible way to expand the reach of your marketing efforts, introduce your product to a new audience and drive engagement.

People just prefer to digest information in video format. Research in how people view video content has shown customers retain a far higher proportion of the information presented to them if it is in a video format.

But to make sure you are doing this correctly.

Why is it that so many businesses are still lagging behind the most successful businesses in their marketplace when it comes to developing a video marketing strategy?

We know that social media video is growing at an incredible rate and that people prefer to watch video than read content. There’s no excuse now not be be getting involved in social media video production.

Video Marketing Strategy

A social media content strategy revolves around thinking what customer journey you want to create that ultimately leads to a sale.

Social media marketing videos will have a different feel in terms of headline keywords, length of video and content, as opposed to a longer format video that sits on your website promoting your business.

For a fast fashion product your customer may just see the ad and make a purchase. If you are selling a B2B product then that potential customer will want to see various types of content before making a decision.

You need to create that customer journey that leads to more sales. It needs planning.

Target Audience Engagement

We research your market thoroughly to find out where your customers are digesting their social media video content. The Linkedin audience’s attention span will be very different from Instagram.

We create customer persona’s for our clients so we understand what their customer looks like, how they want to digest information and on what platform.

Paid Ad Specialists

We have in-house experts who live and breath in the paid ad environment. We work to strict KPI’s with clear regular reporting.

Our paid ad team will be involved with your social media video production project from the very first meeting, advising on the most appropriate content we should be thinking about producing for you to get the best results.


Yes it does. 500 million people watch Instagram stories, or these 90% follow at least one business account. You may not catch people in the workplace but you definitely will outside the workplace. People like to see B2B content that reflects how they would normally view content outside of work.

Many people now watch content with the sound off – so subtitles are important.

Every piece of video content needs a “hook” – think about how you are going to get some-one’s attention. Stage 2 is – what is the problem and how are you solving it? think about whether your content is worth sharing. If not, why are you making it. Finally you need a call to action – i.e. subscribe, click here to buy etc.

Each site has its own recommended times.

Linkedin – 30 seconds

Youtube – 2 minutes unless you are monetising – then it’s over 10 mins

Twitter – 44 seconds is the maximum allowed on the platform

TikTok – 7-15 seconds

Facebook – recommends less than a minute or 20 second stories

If you’re B2B then Linkedin, if you’re B2C, Facebook is good for the older generation, anyone 30 or below watches Instagram, teens watch TikTok.

Social Media Platforms

Different channels suit different markets and age groups. Here’s a quick look at which social media channel would be best suited for your business.


Facebook is losing it’s younger audience in droves but the 30+ audience still remains relatively loyal although declining at a slower rate. Facebook does still have nearly 3 billion daily users. But if you’re advertising to the younger set then Facebook isn’t for you.

Instagram Videos

Two thirds of Instagram’s one billion viewers are between 18 – 29. It has a variety of ways to advertise – stills, video, Instagram shopping allows users to directly shop from your store. It can be a bit limited on text. Brands generally want to get customers off the site to a landing page elsewhere.

Linkedin Videos

Linkedin is the place to be if you are in the B2B marketplace but it’s expensive and typical click-thru rates are low. However, the targeting is excellent. You can target by job title, interest, company name or industry to name a few.

Youtube Videos

Youtube has always been very strong for people selling courses, products or how-to tips about every past-time you could mention. It’s probably the least fashionable of all the channels but it remains incredibly popular for people searching for “how-to” videos and products

Tiktok videos

TikTok is very much the domain of the teenager. It can be an incredible place to launch a brand aimed at this age group but the competition for eyeballs is fierce, ad costs are rising and it takes time to make those shorts videos! Great for individual creators, brands will still have to pay creative costs to produce watchable vids.


Snapchat is a great way of creating a more authentic experience. It has geofilters and consumers can communicate directly with brands by replying to stories so creating brand ambassadors works well. But beware that Snapchat is used in the main by friends sharing pictures that will have little interest to the outside world.

“If it’s not worth sharing, it’s not worth making”

It’s a busy marketplace out there and for your social media video to stand out it needs to grab people’s attention double quick. You need to have thought about the following:
Who’s my target audience?
Which platform do they digest content on?
What’s the advised length of video content for that platform?
What’s the hook to get people interested?
What problem am I solving and the solution?
Your idea should work with the sound off?

Social media videos are not the cheap option

Despite much of social media video production being quite low-fi if you’re commissioning video content from an agency you will still be paying agency prices. Where agencies may not be spending as much on the actual days filming, they will be spending more time on the ideas behind the video content and putting together a social media strategy.

Don’t fall into the trap that social media video content is any less expensive than standard filming. To create video content that engages you need creative.

Does social media video production work for business?

There used to be the train of thought that social media didn’t work in B2B. Well, it does. Bear in mind the following though.
Length of the video will have to cut down to the correct length for the platform.
Don’t just clip out a section from the main video and upload to social. On social it will need to engage very quickly and will have to be a completely new edit and structure wirh captions and a CTA.

It’s a collaboration

We know how to make video content but it’s a collaborative process. You have the product knowledge. It’s this combination that will make a compelling promotional video. We need to produce a promotional video that resonates with it’s target audience. To do this we have constructed a 3 point plan of work we collaborate with our customers on before even thinking about filming.


What do they look like. Where do they view content. In what form?


What messages are we trying to convey? What attitudes are we trying to change?


Is it a single video or a set of video’s on social media?

Other Video Services

Video production

Animated Videos

Event Videography

Explainer videos

London Videography

Corporate Videos

Talking head Videos

Product Videos

Training Videos

Social Media Videos

Promotional Videos

Promoting Your Video Content

Your have spend money on creating this content but no-one will view it without promoting it. How are you going to do this?


Social media platforms are a great way of promoting your content to a targeted audience. The use of tracking pixels means once interested, you can remarket to potential customers at a later date.


Emails are still a very effective way of creating new business. People are more likely to click through to a landing page if there’s informed video content to watch.


Linkedin is expensive but gives you a lazer-like focus on segmenting your B2B audience by job title, interests, location and industry.
filming director of company

Looking to commission video content?

We’ve been creating video content for over 20 years across the UK and europe.

Whether you need a high end crew or just want to shoot content for social media you’ve come to the right place.

6 out of 10 would rather watch video than read type